What do I do on Sunday, October 6th?

Join us at the Church of the Ascension at 253 Echo Drive on Sunday, October 6th at 1:00 pm for registration and

What do I do on Sunday, October 6th?2024-09-20T12:08:38-04:00

How can I win a prize this year?

Prizes will be awarded for photos taken during this year’s walk.  There are a number of categories – check out the website

How can I win a prize this year?2024-08-22T13:55:01-04:00

I have another question. Who can I ask?

Ask us! Use the Contact page on our website or send us an email at contact@centretownchurches.org. We’ll get back to you at

I have another question. Who can I ask?2023-08-21T12:38:02-04:00

How do I or my sponsors get a tax receipt?

For online donations - CanadaHelps automatically issues a tax receipt. For donations by cash or cheque - CCSAC, a registered charity, will

How do I or my sponsors get a tax receipt?2024-08-22T13:53:55-04:00

How do I sponsor a walker or a team online?

Go to the following page to make a payment using your credit card: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/centretown-churches-social-action-committee/p2p/walk Be sure to tell us which walker or

How do I sponsor a walker or a team online?2024-08-22T17:31:30-04:00

Do you accept cash and cheques?

The Pledge Form can be used to collect funds for the walkathon by cash or cheques.  Cheques are preferred over cash.  Bring

Do you accept cash and cheques?2024-09-20T12:08:00-04:00
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