Food Insecurity in Ottawa

Ottawa Public Health reports that an estimated 1 in 7 (13.9%) of Ottawa households are food insecure, with 9.5% experiencing moderate to severe food insecurity.

Food insecurity is a factor when an individual or households are stressed about running out of food before they can purchase more or cannot afford balanced meals.  It also offucs when people go hungry by eating less or skipping meals, or do not have access to the variety or quantity of food that they need due to lack of money.

To learn more about agencies and services working to combat food insecurity in Ottawa, please consult this City of Ottawa site:

Food Banks

Since 1978, CCSAC’s main project has been oversight of the Centretown Emergency Food Centre (CEFC),  the food bank serving Centretown, Old Ottawa East, Old Ottawa South and the Glebe.  As of May 1, 2023, the Food Centre will be relocating to a new, accessible location in the City of Ottawa Community Hub at 370 Catherine Street in Centretown.

To celebrate its new service, we are pleased to announce the Food Centre is being renamed the Centretown Community Food Centre.  It will continue to serve the same catchment area as in the past.

Experience The Benefits of Volunteering:

Create Positive ChangeMeet New PeopleLearn Leadership SkillsGrow Your Appreciation

Are you ready to create a win-win from volunteering? CCSAC is a wonderful organization in which to find opportunities for yourself and others. We sometimes need help with fund raising, food drives, marketing and administration.  In non-COVID years, we need volunteers to help with our in-person Walk for the Centre walkathon.  Fill out our quick and easy application and we will get back to you if we need your help.

A Difference You Can Count!

Average number of volunteers
serving our clients
Clients served per
Average number of clients
served per month

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