Kaite Burkholder Speaks to CCSAC on Homelessness

At CCSAC’s December meeting, Kaite Burkholder, Executive Director of the Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa, gave a very informative overview on the affordable housing crisis facing many Canadians.

Kaite began her presentation with a graph demonstrating the precipitous decline in new affordable housing during the last two decades. The main focus of her presentation was the present situation in Ottawa where 15% of those facing homelessness are families. The problem is compounded by a serious deficit of affordable housing in the city – for every new affordable unit in the city, seven are lost due to demolition or renovation evictions. On a more positive note, she cited what the city could presently do to prevent evictions that impact the city’s finances. She also noted how Edmonton and Waterloo have had great success in reducing the number of people experiencing homelessness in their communities. Her presentation also highlighted the need to coordinate the existing labyrinth system of poverty reduction services to facilitate better access to these services.

January will mark the 2nd anniversary of Ottawa City Council’s  declaration of a housing emergency crisis. To mark this anniversary, the Alliance will unveil its non-partisan vote housing strategy next month for the municipal election in October 2022. Stay tuned.

Kaite’s power point presentation is posted HERE. You can visit the Alliance website at www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca

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