Who We Are

The Centretown Churches Social Action Committee (CCSAC) is a collective of twenty-two churches in downtown Ottawa. CCSAC was started in 1967 by nine churches to respond to social needs in the Centretown area. CCSAC has undertaken many initiatives on behalf of people who are socially and economically disadvantaged in our community over the years.

Currently, CCSAC’s principal program is the Centretown Community Food Centre located at 370 Catherine Street in central Ottawa. CCSAC also undertakes a limited number of community outreach projects to provide winter warmth or summer health and hygiene support to people living in central Ottawa.

A number of our member churches offer meals, shelter and fellowship on a regular or seasonal basis. Check out the following list to learn more: Meals, Shelter and Fellowship

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

CCSAC Structure

CCSAC is an incorporated registered charitable organization. It is currently comprised of twenty-two member churches, whose representatives form the Board.

Role of the Board

The CCSAC board meets monthly to:

  • Share information about individual churches’ activities
  • Plan for projects and advocacy related to social justice concerns
  • Monitor activities of the Centretown Emergency Food Centre
  • Discuss emerging concerns relating to the vulnerable population of Ottawa’s Centretown
  • Learn about initiatives being undertaken by other faith and nonfaith groups in our catchment area

Members of the Board

Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic ParishFrank Deehan
Canadian Martyrs Roman Catholic ParishLorna Kingston
Centretown United ChurchJoan Fletcher
Church of the Ascension AnglicanNora Fyles
Dominion-Chalmers United ChurchChristine Kincaid
Eglise Unie St Marc vacant
First Baptist ChurchJack Heynen
Fourth Avenue Baptist ChurchMary Mussell
Glebe-St. James United ChurchMarilyn Hamilton
Knox Presbyterian ChurchKristine Burr
Member-at-large – John Pedersen
Member-at-large: Elizabeth Demaray
Member-at-large: Janet Rivers
Quaker Ottawa Monthly MeetingKristine Wilson-Yang
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian ChurchRob Sheffield
St. Barnabas Anglican ChurchYvonne Moses
St. Giles Presbyterian ChurchStan Currie
St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church – Emmy Verdun
St. Matthew’s Anglican ChurchElizabeth Kent
St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Parish – Terence Nelligan
St. Peter & St. Paul’s Anglican ChurchBarbara Faught
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church – Anisha Eipe
St. Theresa’s Roman Catholic ParishPatricia Marsden Dole
Southminster United ChurchLinda MacDonald
Trinity Anglican ChurchDoreen Barnes

CCSAC Annual Report

Annual Report are usually tabled for April at the Annual General Meeting.

Experience The Benefits of Volunteering:

Create Positive ChangeMeet New PeopleLearn Leadership SkillsGrow Your Appreciation

Are you ready to create a win-win from volunteering? CCSAC is a wonderful organization in which to find opportunities for yourself and others. We sometimes need help with fund raising, food drives, marketing and administration.  In non-COVID years, we need volunteers to help with our in-person Walk for the Centre walkathon.  Fill out our quick and easy application and we will get back to you if we need your help.

A Difference You Can Count!

Average number of volunteers
serving our clients
Clients served per
Average number of clients
served per month

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