Rachel Robinson Provides an Update on the Anglican Day Programs in Centretown
Rachel Robinson, Executive Director of three of the Anglican Diocese’s day programs, was the guest speaker at CCSAC’s March 7 meeting. Rachel described how she and her staff at The Well, Centre 454 and St. Luke’s Table had to re-orient their services during the pandemic so that they could continue to fulfil their mandate of connecting and serving people. With the lockdown contributing to real hardship for many, the day program teams developed new models to serve people. Service was extended to weekends, hot meals were delivered, laundry and shower facilities were made available, and respite cots were set up for those who needed a quiet place to rest during the day.
Rachel and her staff hope to build on the innovations developed over the past two years as Covid impacts lessen. A link to Rachel’s presentation is presented HERE. Further information on the three day programs can be found at https://www.ottawa.anglican.ca/community-ministries. Thanks to Rachel for sharing an inspirational story of turning Covid challenges into positive wins for the community.